February 2022

Covid Update: Deadly Numbers

If there is any doubt that facts matter (see current Editorial), consider what misinformation about COVID-19 and vaccines has wrought. Figure 1 below is from the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF)


Commentary: Mandates Conspiracy? Not!

This opinion is mainly addressed to those who oppose any kind of vaccine mandate. Already, in the United States, vaccine mandates exist for polio, chicken pox, diphtheria, measles, rubella, tetanus


Editorial: Facts Matter

Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously said, “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts.” This statement, made in the 1980s when Moynihan was the U.S. Senator


Latest Lines

The California Citizens Redistricting Commission (CRC) finished its work at the end of December 2021 with changes that will impact California State Senate and Assembly representation for Del Mar voters.


Food to Power

Landfills are the third largest source of methane in California, a greenhouse gas responsible for climate change. Organic matter makes up almost half of what Californians dump into landfills. The


Roving Teen Reporter: Covid Decision Tree

The San Dieguito Union High School District’s constantly evolving COVID-19 policy has been communicated to parents and students through a series of email updates. To explain the latest revisions, the


Coastal Leadership

As someone who grew up in Del Mar and Encinitas, I know how much of a blessing it is to live here in beautiful North County. My family has been


Agenda 22

As I begin my second term of service as Del Mar Mayor I reflect on some of my goals for the coming year. Some are essential, some are modest, and


Critters: Tree Houses

Punta de arboles, Point of Trees, the place we know as the Torrey Pines Reserve with its abundance of trees on the coast, served as a landmark for Spanish explorers


Barnouw Boost

The Del Mar Community Alliance is grateful to the 57 donor families who responded this Fall to our 2021 Campaign for The Sandpiper.  Jeff Barnouw, long-time Del Mar citizen, member


Fencing Finale

At its Jan. 20, 2022 Board meeting, the North County Transit District (NCTD) approved full fencing for the Del Mar Bluffs, unless the City of Del Mar accepts the terms


Wasteful Walls

Efforts continue, as they have since 1998, to thwart the ongoing erosion of the bluffs, the substructure beneath Del Mar’s train tracks. Work is currently concentrated at 4th Street, the


Commentary: Inside Game

Members of the super majority on the Del Mar City Council cannot seem to get out of the campaign/outside organizer/protester mode. As office holders they are insiders now, so their


Music Mentor: Roger Reynolds

In a career spanning over 60 years and counting, composer (and long-time Del Mar resident) Roger Reynolds has created a body of work known for its immediacy, intensity, and intricacy.


Gelato Hats

Apply the musing “what’s in a name” to the recently opened An’s Hatmakers, Del Mar’s shop on the first level of the Plaza for locally sourced, handmade gelato. Our An’s


Upstairs Downstairs

Cevasco’s, opened early in the year, features “modern, authentic Italian food sourced from all of Italy with a highlight on seafood,” says owner Christophe Cevasco. Christophe and his wife Guen,


Ashley At Last

The Sandpiper asked our new City Manager to comment on her appointment and the challenges facing her. Here is her response. In February 2021, the City Council asked that I


DMF Hits the Big 4-0!

The Foundation will be celebrating its 40th anniversary throughout 2022 – and we invite you to join in!   We’re especially looking for volunteers to help (or better yet, take


Del Mar Community Connections

Wrapping up the holidays: DMCC celebrated seniors!   On December 16, 2021, seniors gathered on the Del Mar Civic Center Plaza to celebrate the holiday season. We served homemade hot


In Brief

Beach Calm The 2021 holiday season was calm at the beach. Rain dampened the days bringing few ocean visitors until the 1st of the year when the cancellation of the


Council Rejects Fencing Deal by 2-3 Vote

February 28, 2022
High-Stakes Decision Risks Immediate Move by NCTD to Fence Off the Upper Bluff

At a special public City Council meeting called to consider a revised licensing agreement between the

Click on cover for the FEBRUARY 2022 print issue in PDF format

February Updates (online only)

Quotable Del Mar

Kamla Kapur

“I think in this multi-partisan world what we need most is a vision of the truth of every tradition, of that democracy that excludes none, regardless of religion or lack thereof, caste, class, color, gender or lack thereof.”
