The deadline for candidates to file to run for the Del Mar City Council was August 14th. Three candidates filed by that deadline and there will be three seats for voters to fill. As such, the three candidates who filed will be (re)elected in November. The Sandpiper invited all three to share with our readers why they are running.

Tracy Martinez

It has been an honor to serve our city’s residents starting as a civic volunteer working on various committees, being elected to your City Council in 2020, and serving as your mayor in 2023. I have collaborated with my colleagues to address a significant number of important issues for our community and our accomplishments have been many but there is still important work to be done.


John Spelich

Del Mar needs Council members who demonstrate good judgment, advocate for and deliver the best results for our residents, and stand strong for the city by forging consensus on the issues confronting us. I am running, with five-time Del Mar Mayor Dave Druker’s endorsement and encouragement (Dave is retiring from Council in the fall), because I believe my experiences and temperament will allow me to deliver on those attributes for our residents while protecting Del Mar and the threats to our Community Plan from the external forces encircling the city.


Dan Quirk

I am running for re-election to maintain our small-town character, beautify our city, and create a more efficient, responsive government through a combination of common sense, technology, data analytics, and fresh ideas. Del Mar needs change on two important issues. The first is stopping the dishonest and misleading train and tunnel project from ruining Del Mar, whether it is fencing along the bluffs, seawalls that destroy our beaches, or a tunnel that will destroy and disrupt many homes and businesses.


A Sad Moment for Del Mar

Councilmember Dwight Worden announced his retirement from the Del Mar City Council, effective September 24, 2024, at the August 26th council meeting. Dwight has been an active participant in Del Mar politics since 1977, when he served as City Attorney, and on


Watermark Finally

The 50-unit Watermark project (near the roundabout), in the pipeline for over a decade, recently cleared by the California Coastal Commission, is now preparing building plans to be processed for a building permit this month with no additional public input or design


Roving Teen: Smartphone Politics

Social media seems to be taking part in nearly every aspect of our lives—education, fashion, news, and the list goes on. There is no doubt that it affects our lives in various ways, but is that true with how young people involve


Remembering Sammy

The Sandpiper is sad to report that we recently learned that our former Teen Reporter Sammy Hallal died of a brain tumor just as he was about to start his 3rd year at Tulane University. Sammy was a wonderful, talented young man


Nuke Dump Dilemma

Congressman Mike Levin and the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Associate Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and High-Level Waste Disposition Dr. Kim Petry (yes, that is her official title) came to Del Mar last month to discuss what to do with spent


Atlas Chugged

The Department of Energy is developing large train cars capable of transporting canisters of spent nuclear fuel by rail to interim or permanent nuclear repositories. The prototype is named “Atlas” and it is a 12-axle railcar capable of carrying canisters weighing up


Bike Crazy

Our trend line from a car-centric to a bike-centric community has much promise for the environment, but I fear it is spinning out of control. Every day, especially Saturday and Sunday, hundreds of bikes ride through downtown, maybe over half not stopping


Covid Update: A Call to Arms

Good News: is now available. If you are over 65, you should get a booster shot sooner rather than later. If you are also getting your annual flu shot, roll up both sleeves and get one shot in each arm. The mRNA


Deep Down Diggers

If you have never encountered a gopher or a gopher’s work, good for you! Many have not been so fortunate and have witnessed the devastation of gardens and lawns as these unseen critters whose habitat is underground create havoc. Being herbivores, their


Del Mar Foundation: Thank You

With my time as DMF president concluding next month, I want to use this month’s column to say THANK YOU to everyone I’ve been fortunate to work together with over the past two years for the betterment of our community. Did you


Del Mar Community Connections

Welcome New DMCC Board Members and President! DMCC is proud to welcome three new members to DMCC’s Board of Directors. Ann Feeney is retired from Scripps Research Institute where she was a professor and had an active research lab for 26 years.


September 2024

Print Edition

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In Brief

941 For Sale

The voter-approved 941 project for the vacant lot on the corner of 10th Street and CDM is now for sale. The developer hopes to find a buyer in the next several months who will be entitled to build the “residential hospitality” plan with flexible zoning for some commercial or office uses. Six market rate luxury condos will be built, plus two affordable units.

Just south of Harry’s Coffee Shop, 1454 Camino Del Mar, Harry’s has expanded into a spot for tacos and burritos ready to enjoy. Photo: Julie Maxey-Allison
A new branch of La Jolla’s Cottage restaurant has sprouted in Del Mar featuring updated classic breakfasts served behind the picket fence. 1555 Camino Del Mar, open 7:30 AM —3:00 PM. Photo: Julie Maxey-Allison
SANDAG’s 10 Street staging station for upper bluff work. Photo: Julie Maxey-Allison
Work goes on, on high. Photo: Julie Maxey-Allison