About the Sandpiper

The Sandpiper is published by the Del Mar Community Alliance, a 501(c)(4) not-for-profit corporation. Its purpose is to advocate the Del Mar Community Plan, to foster informed public and government decision-making regarding issues affecting the community of the City of Del Mar, and to encourage a social and political climate favorable to the protection of the community character of the City of Del Mar and its environs.

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Del Mar Sandpiper
1155 Camino Del Mar #436
Del Mar, CA 92014


Over the years, hundreds of Del Mar citizens have donated generously to the Del Mar Community Alliance (DMCA). More than $210,000 has been contributed, making it possible to bring the Sandpiper to every Del Mar family via their mailboxes and email. We are thus able to fulfill our mission to inform and enlighten our community about the many Del Mar issues that matter. The list below represents cumulative giving to DMCA between 2018 and 2023. Thank you!


Jeff Barnouw, remembering Dagmar Barnouw * Rosanne Rennie Holliday and Joel Holliday * Rod Franklin * Mary Ann and Bud Emerson * Maryka and George Hoover * Louise Keeling * Lynn and Charlie Gaylord * Patty and Marc Brutten * Betty Wheeler and Dwight Worden



Susan and Judd Halenza * Ann Feeney and Don Mosier * Linda and Frank Chisari * Ellie and Tim Haviland * Suzi Resnik and Stan Marks * Anne and John Farrell * Mary and Jeff Friestedt * Sherryl Parks * Karen and Philip Posner * Nancy Fisher and Mike Salt * Rose Ann and Ira Sharp * Buck and Penny Abell * Shirley King and Art Olson * Gloria Sandvik and Harold Feder * Chic and Joe Sullivan * Sandy and Bram Dijkstra * Fran and Nick Frost * Melissa and Bob Gans * Richard Thompson * Lee Haydu and Bill Simms



Linda and Mel Katz * Nancy and John Weare * James Nystrom * Judy and Marc Schuckit * Sheila and Michael Sharpe * Beth Levine and Henry Abarbanel * Deborah Lawson and Paul Cleveland * Pat JaCoby * Randee and Glenn Warren * Arlene and Ronald Prater * Will Holliday * Chuck Freebern * Gale and Ted Bakker * Catherine and Phil Blair * Linda and Frank Chisari * Liz and Wayne Dernetz * Linda and Gerald Hirshberg * Carol Kerridge * Larry Schneidermann * Ruth and Richard Simons, remembering John Kerridge



Catherine Atcheson * Fiona Kaper and Reza Kasnavi * Carol Mason * Ulla and Alan Sweedler * Katherine and Tom Sohn * Susan and Palmer Taylor * Nancy and David Doyle * Felise Levine and John Goodkind * Barbara and Joe Harper * Joe Jelly * Vernie and John McGowan * Ellen Moran O’Neil and Tom O’Neil * Jane Brown and Steve Voss


> In Memoriam: names in italics.

Editorial Board
Jeff Barnouw
Bud Emerson
Virginia Lawrence
Hylton Lonstein
Julie Maxey-Allison
Don Mosier
Betty Wheeler


All editors, writers, and photographers are unpaid volunteers. 

Del Mar Community Alliance
Board of Directors
Ellie Haviland, Chair
Anne Farrell
Lee Haydu
Rosanne Rennie Holliday
Don Mosier
Philip Posner
Arlene Prater
Gloria Sandvik
Rose Ann Sharp

The Sandpiper: A Historical Perspective

by John Kerridge (Sandpiper Editor, 1999-2003)


The Sandpiper was created in 1997 because a group of Del Marians became concerned about the fate of our community’s General Plan.


That plan, known locally as the Community Plan, has been spectacularly successful at both preserving the ambience of our village and also enhancing our property values. However, not only has the Plan been under constant pressure from would-be developers, but inevitable changes in Del Mar’s population have resulted in many residents being unaware of the role that the Plan has played in fostering the environment that attracted them here. Furthermore, the local media, heavily subsidized by real-estate and development interests, showed little interest in objective coverage of land-use issues.


It therefore seemed desirable to produce a newspaper that would present the facts pertaining to the issues confronting our community and to interpret those facts within the context of the Community Plan. The first Sandpiper appeared in March 1997 and, with an occasional lapse, has appeared monthly (except for each January and August) since then.


We hope that the Sandpiper, in both its print and online formats, will help Del Marians become more acquainted with our community, how it functions, and how to get involved in carrying out the vision of the Community Plan.