The Del Mar Community Alliance is grateful to the 57 donor families who responded this Fall to our 2021 Campaign for The Sandpiper.Jeff Barnouw, long-time Del Mar citizen, member of the Sandpiper’s Editorial Board, and generous community supporter, challenged Del Marians to make contributions to DMCA in support of the Sandpiper, this year celebrating its 25th year in service to our city.Funds will be used to support printing and free distribution of the all-volunteer community journal, as well as to expand our reach through social media.Jeff pledged $10,000 if the community would match or exceed that amount – and they did!By December 31, we raised $31,810.Of those 57 donors, 37% (21 families) were brand-new contributors, 100% of the DMCA Board donated above and beyond their prior 2021 gifts, and 10 other families (previous donors) renewed their support.
When it is safe to do so, we will have a special event at a beautiful Del Mar home, for all those who contribute to DMCA and The Sandpiper.We want to celebrate together and have a chance to say “thank you” in person!In the meantime, please accept our deepest gratitude.
~ Ellie Haviland, DMCA Board Chair
Henry Abarbanel & Beth Levine Buck & Penny Abell Catherine Atcheson Jeff Barnouw Phil & Catherine Blair Robert & Patricia Bone Ritamarie & Geoffrey Braswell Nelson Byrne Brett & Linda Castile Frank & Linda Chisari Wayne & Liz Dernetz Bram & Sandy Dijkstra Bud & Mary Ann Emerson John & Anne Farrell Harold Feder and Gloria Sandvik Kevin & Nicole Forrest Charles Freebern Jeff & Mary Friestedt Eduardo Frischwasser Nick & Francine Frost John & Gale Graybill Don & Kathy Grimm Charlotte Gumbrell & Pamela Schott Tim & Ellen Haviland Lee Haydu & Bill Sims John & Barbara Healy William & Nicole Holliday Joel Holliday & Rosanne Rennie Holliday George & Maryka Hoover
Richard Jamison & Dolores Davies Jamison Reza Kasnavi & Fiona Kaper Mel & Linda Katz Charles Khoury K. Alan & Jennifer Lonbom Harry Magoulias & Ariadne Magoulias Brian & Margaret Maple Stan Marks & Suzi Resnik Carol Mason Tom & Claire McGreal Ed & Phyllis Mirsky Don Mosier & Ann Feeney Judith Oatman Art Olson & Shirley King Sherryl Parks Philip & Karen Posner Ron & Arlene Prater Steven Reich Sudeepto Roy & Valérie Dufort-Roy Mike Salt & Nancy Fisher Marc & Judy Schuckit Ira & Rose Ann Sharp Tom & Katherine Sohn Joe Sullivan & Alice Sullivan Ulla & Alan Sweedler Palmer Taylor & Susan Taylor Glenn Warren & Randee Warren Dwight Worden & Betty Wheeler