December 2021

Noble Nobel Dad

My dad, Ardem Patapoutian, is a professor at Scripps Research who studies the biological process known as mechanotransduction, or how our bodies sense touch. On October 4 this fall, my


Editorial: Climate Leadership Lacking

It’s 2041. Global warming has accelerated faster than predicted, and the economy is in freefall. Our children ask, “what were our parents thinking in 2021 when they had a chance


Blah Blah vs. Climate Action

The 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 26) was recently held in Glasgow, Scotland from Oct. 31 to Nov. 12. The summit drew praise for agreements to rein in


Concrete Climate Steps

We are encouraged by the discussion on climate change at our City’s November 1st 2021 Council. Expanding on the red-dot letter we had submitted in support, we have elaborated below


Boosters Now!!…!

As of November 12th, all California residents over 18 are eligible for a booster shot with a COVID vaccine. Boosters can be administered six months after full vaccination with the


Paris Fashion: Masks

I recently spent two months in France and loved every minute of it. Most of the time I wandered the streets of Paris. One of the reasons that I felt


PRO: Why Rail is Essential to San Diego

Without rail San Diego cannot meet its mandatory state, federal, and local climate and greenhouse gas goals nor will we solve congestion on our roadways. Our quality of life depends


CON: Do we even need the train?

Despite pervasive misinformation to the contrary, ridership on the on the trains that run through Del Mar has always been very low and in decline for many years, even before


Window Dressing

Look out for the art brightening our Del Mar windows this holiday season. The cheery color filled art canvases on display were painted in person by elementary students from eight


Buy Nothing: Good Gifting

Imagine a world where communities are more resilient, sustainable, equitable, and joyful, because of a functional gifting economy. This is exactly what the Buy Nothing worldwide network aims to accomplish,


To Bee or Not to Bee

Twenty-thousand bee species keep busy around the globe. Some 3,600 have settled in the US with 1,600, varying in size, shape and color, calling California home. However most of our


DMF: The Power of Generosity

If you told me that “December” comes from the Latin word for “generosity,” I would believe you – or at least I would want to believe you, because the spirit


In Brief

Path Progress On Nov. 19, the City Council approved amendments to the environmental and design engineering work underway for the extension of River Path Del Mar from Grand Ave. Overlook


An 11th Hour Redistricting Win for Del Mar

December 22, 2021

In a last-minute adjustment to its Congressional District maps, the California Citizens Redistricting Commission (CRC) has voted to leave Del Mar in the 49th Congressional District, along with

Click on cover for the DECEMBER 2021 print issue in PDF format

December/January Updates (online only)