“I started the Del Mar San Dieguito Lagoon Committee soon after John and I moved to Del Mar in early 1970. I was shocked at the terrible state of the lagoon and river and people’s general disregard for this potentially beautiful and biologically important area. [I went] to the City and requested the establishment of a City committee dedicated to the preservation and restoration of the lagoon. After several years gathering support for a revitalized lagoon system, an enhancement plan was developed with the assistance of many state agencies and the city. Then after fighting off proposed development in the nearby western river valley…it was obvious that we needed to gather together interested people to save the entire river valley from the coast to the mountains.”
In addition to her work as founding member of the Lagoon Committee, Nancy Weare was instrumental in the creation of the San Dieguito Land Conservancy, serving as its first president; the Conservancy promoted the idea of establishing a JPA to create the San Dieguito River Park. She also is recognized as a founder of Del Mar Community Connections, which she says “was born in Ann Silber’s living room where we had our first community discussions in Sept. 1999” about establishing a Del Mar organization to support seniors.