Appropriate Appointment

Representative Mike Levin (D-49th) has been appointed to serve on the powerful House Appropriations Committee which is responsible for distributing federal resources to districts across the country for important local projects.  Rep. Levin will be the only Member from San Diego and Orange Counties on the Appropriations Committee.


After appointment to the Appropriation Subcommittees for Energy and Water Development  and Military Construction and Veterans Affairs, Rep. Levin issued the following statement:


“These Subcommittee appointments will allow me to fight for critical resources for our district’s priorities including clean energy initiatives, sand replenishment efforts, improvements at Camp Pendleton, and more. This will build on my successful record of bringing over $1 billion in federal funding to the 49th Congressional District since entering Congress.”



Work goes on in an attempt to strengthen and stabilize the bluffs. The seawall along the sand is in place as are reinforced edges above. But chunks and bits continue to slide down the slopes.

Photo: Julie Maxey-Allison



Workers installing a tarp along the train tracks. Photo: Julie Maxey-Allison

Unpermitted North Beach Garden

Several citizens in town have inquired as to why the succulents and other elements of the well-known garden at North Beach are being removed.  When asked, City Manager Ashley Jones shared the following information:


The City understands and appreciates that the North Beach garden maintained by Mr. Gooding is beloved by many in the community.  However, it is important to understand that the City of Del Mar does not own or have regulatory authority over the area of North Beach where Mr. Gooding has placed a garden. Those are state lands under the regulatory authority of the Coastal Commission.  Mr. Gooding has been cautioned over the years that the plantings and other items he has placed in this area are not allowed; however, the items have remained, and additional unpermitted improvements been installed. Some of these improvements include unpermitted paver pathways, stairs, etc. that are not built to code and create public safety issues. As such, Mr. Gooding was recently provided with more formal notice that the garden is not permitted by the Coastal Commission and will need to be removed. The City is working closely with Mr. Gooding to ensure that the removal of the plantings and other unpermitted improvements is done in a safe and efficient manner.”

Succulents removed from North Beach unpermitted garden. Photo: Don Mosier