Don Mosier | CEA Community Advisory Committee Vice-Chair
The Clean Energy Alliance (CEA) purchases electricity on behalf of customers in Del Mar, Carlsbad, Escondido, Oceanside, San Marcos, Solana Beach, and Vista. Most residential customers choose the default product that is 50% renewable (solar and wind power) and 75% carbon free (large hydropower) at an average monthly cost of $143.02 that includes SDG&E transmission and distribution costs (the largest portion of your bill). Only 67 customers in Del Mar have opted up for the 100% renewable Green Impact option, and only 890 of 243,673 customers in the CEA service territory have this option. The average bill for those customers is $145.32. If the cost of totally clean (solar plus wind power only) adds $2.30 to your monthly bill, it is a mystery why so few households choose this cleaner option. You can easily opt up to the Green Impact option. Go to the CEA website:
When you get there, select the Green Impact option, and click opt up. You will be prompted to enter your SDG&E account number, and then enter your name and ZIP code. Hit return, and you are enrolled in service with 100% clean energy. If you need help, call (833) 232-3110.