To celebrate all those who have donated to The Sandpiper, the Del Mar Community Alliance held a delightful “Spring Fête” on April 28, 2024, at the home and garden of Rosanne Rennie Holliday who in 1997, along with her husband Joel, was among the first donors to DMCA and The Sandpiper.Ninety guests enjoyed a sunny afternoon of conversation with friends and neighbors; wine and delicious hors d’oeuvres were catered by Pamplemousse.
Rosanne remarked, “What a pleasure it was to see so many friends – old and new – connecting and reconnecting with each other.We all share the same deep commitment to our beautiful town, honoring the community values that have made Del Mar so special ever since its founding.”
Throughout the year, the DMCA reaches out to the community for contributions to support The Sandpiper. In the past year, 75 donations were received, totaling $38,750.DMCA’s Board Chair Ellie Haviland said, “It is only because of the generosity of our donors that The Sandpiper has the resources to produce, print, and present online news and information about Del Mar, and we are so grateful.”