Get personalized help with Medicare at DMCC’s HQ from the Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Program (HICAP). On the fourth Thursday of each month, a certified HICAP counselor from the nonprofit law firm Elder Law & Advocacy is now holding office hours at the Del Mar Community Building (225 9th St.) between 1:30 and 4:30pm. It’s free, unbiased, and confidential. Learn about Medicare, get help appealing bills or denials, learn about long term care coverage, learn ways to reduce drug costs, get help comparing plans, or get screened for financial assistance. Counselors are registered with the California Department of Aging. To reserve an appointment, call (858) 565-8772 or visit
I Scream, You Scream!
Are you a fan of DMCC’s Social and Good Times events? You won’t want to miss the 2024 Ice Cream Social on April 19! The committee led by Linda Chisari is planning a celebration that will outdo last year’s. While you get to select and enjoy your favorite classic treat from an ice cream truck, you’ll be entertained by a barbershop quartet. As always, the best part is meeting up with longtime friends and neighbors while enjoying a gorgeous ocean view from the Del Mar Civic Center. Make sure that you’re subscribed to DMCC’s email list so that you don’t miss your opportunity to sign up for this fun – and free – event! (And bring a friend!)
Fran gets her selection from the ice cream truck at DMCC’s 2023 Ice Cream Social.
Volunteer of the Month – March
DMCC’s Volunteer of the Month for March 2024 was Tuesday Lunch Connections (TLC) volunteer Jeff Barnouw, nominated by TLC Team Captain Phyllis Mirsky, because “His crucial role in calling participants to confirm their attendance is essential in making them feel welcome – and his delightful sense of humor is always a hit.” DMCC programs and services depend on our incredible volunteers! To learn more about Jeff or becoming a DMCC volunteer, visit
For more information… or to join our email list: Please visit our website at or contact the DMCC office at (858) 792-7565 or