“The evil that men do lives after them; the good is often interred with their bones,” declared Marc Antony, in Shakespeare’s tragedy, Julius Caesar. Fortunately, this is not the case for local playwright and Shakespeare aficionado Gary Seger, who passed away in 2017. After his death, the Del Mar Library was thrilled to learn that Seger, who resided on 12th Street, had left them (the Friends of the Library) with a generous bequest of $192,000. Seger had never been involved with the Library before, so the bequest was a total—but most welcome—surprise.
An active member of the San Diego Shakespeare Society, Seger also left the Friends of the Library with a collection of 3,000-4,000 books, the lion’s share of them focused on Shakespeare and Elizabethan culture. Most of the books were donated to the Shakespeare Society of America. San Diego’s Shakespeare Society has produced a wide range of staged readings of the Bard’s plays and sonnets.
To celebrate Seger and the Bard’s birthday on April 23, the Friends of the Del Mar Library and the San Diego Shakespeare Society will present An Evening in Appreciation of Gary Seger: What do Shakespeare’s Sonnets Mean? More events will be held for both children and adults, including a calligraphy class, a classical guitar concert, and a rose display and contest. For more information about the Library’s April events, please visit: www.friendsdelmarlibrary.org.