The Fairgrounds (“DAA”) Board released a proposed “Exclusive Negotiating Rights Agreement” for possible use of Fairgrounds property by the City for affordable housing, for Board action at its Feb. 20 meeting. The Agreement requires the DAA to provide the City with prospective sites by Dec. 31, 2024 but does not obligate the DAA to enter into a lease agreement for a site. The City’s Housing Element requires the City to “secure a binding agreement to allow for development of at least 54 lower income units at a specific location on the Fairgrounds property” by April 15, 2024. It is unclear whether the proposed Agreement would fulfill that requirement. As of press time, the DAA Board meeting had not yet taken place, nor had the City placed it on a Council agenda. Updates will be posted online:
Sea Cliff Park: Hidden Gem Renewed
Just above the Tot Lot at Powerhouse Park is the small special Sea Cliff Park. The area has been cleared out and new trees planted sponsored by the Del Mar Foundation. Enjoy the serene setting with a walking loop and benches.
Photo by Julie Maxie-Allison
Construction at former Bully’s site continues. Photo by Julie Maxey-Allison
Cleaner Energy for Del Mar
The state review of energy sources for electricity providers showed that CEA’s electricity generation was 70% cleaner than San Diego Gas & Electric. CEA is the default electricity provider for 94% of Del Mar residents. Greg Wade, former City Manager in Solana Beach, has assumed the position of Chief Executive Officer of the Clean Energy Alliance (CEA) as of Feb. 1st. Del Mar Mayor David Druker was elected for a second term as Chair of the CEA Board. Councilmember Dwight Worden has termed out as Chair of the CEA Citizen Advisory Committee.
Crime Decline
Our Sheriff Captain reports overall crime rates in Del Mar down 29% from 2022 to 2023.
Arrests down from 87 to 71
Calls for service down from 1676 to 1607
Property crime rates down 42%
648 traffic citations
20 DUI arrests
Crimes against persons up 34% (mainly at fairgrounds)
Special Delivery: Trees to P.O.
The Garden Club’s Mary Friestedt in front of the Del Mar Post Office on 15th Street where the Garden Club volunteers planted eight new trees sponsored by the Del Mar Foundation. The newly planted trees include Melaleuca elliptica – Granite Bottlebrush, Hymenosporum flavum – Sweetshade, Vitex trifolia ‘Purpurea’ – Arabian Lilac and Prunus ilicifolia ssp. lyonii – Catalina Cherry. See if you can find all eight and watch them grow.