The City of Del Mar has over two miles of sandy beaches that entice thousands of summer visitors from near and far to the area. Protecting those visitors and residents is principal to the mission of the City and the staff responsible for beach and lifeguarding safety. Our Permanent Career Lifeguards and Seasonal Lifeguards make up one of the most well-trained, experienced Lifeguarding Teams in the County. The City Council and I feel very fortunate to have such a dedicated group of employees.
When I read the recent article, “Seasonal, Not Marginal,” I was somewhat surprised to see such an article when we (the City) are right in the middle of negotiating with the Union that represents the Seasonal Lifeguards. The City’s labor relations policies and procedures are governed by the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act, California legislation that provides reasonable methods to resolve disputes regarding wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment between public employers and public employee organizations. Our Seasonal Lifeguards chose to form a bargaining group in the fall of last year. Our City has been meeting with their representatives to negotiate a new agreement.
While it is not appropriate for me to discuss current negotiations with the Union in public, I would like to reinforce the fact that the City values all of our employees, and we are committed to providing fair compensation to all of them. Like any employer we are always trying to find the balance in what we pay our staff to be fair and competitive in the market place while accomplishing all of the needs of our Community. In the case of our Seasonal Lifeguards that is what we are trying to do through our negotiations with their Union. Let’s give the process a chance before we pass judgment.