The Annual Benefit Gala took place on October 1 at the Del Mar Civic Center with a theme of A Night on the Mediterranean; the planning committee was led by DMCC board members Mary Walshok and Linda Chisari, who were joined by volunteers Carly Michaels and Phyllis Mirsky. Guests enjoyed a gourmet Greek dinner, entertainment from the ElectroCarpathians, and decorations that evoked a cruise. Our thanks to the selfless committee volunteers and the City of Del Mar for lending such an incredible venue.
Community donations make up approximately half of DMCC’s annual budget, and most of those gifts are given during Gala season. The members of DMCC’s Gala Honorary Committee sustain that funding year after year. Thanks to Steve and Al Tarkington for being gracious Honorary Committee Chairs, and for hosting the annual Sunset Cocktail Party at their beachside home – this year with a margarita theme!
2022 DMCC Honorary Committee. Photo by Kara Adams
Van Host Volunteers Needed!
Enjoy giving back to senior and disabled members of the community and have a little free time? DMCC van hosts enjoy a fun outing while helping Del Mar seniors with their shopping. Volunteers are needed once or twice a month to join our Wednesday Grocery Van trips and Monday Retail Therapy Van outings to provide light physical or vision assistance and facilitate conversation with the passengers.
Requirements: Available on Wednesdays from 9am-1pm and/or Mondays from 11am-3pm; Able to assist passengers who may have limited mobility; Pass a criminal background check; Fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Please contact the DMCC office at (858) 792-7565 to learn about this or other opportunities to improve and enrich the lives of Del Mar seniors!
For more information… or to join our email list:
Please visit our website at or contact the DMCC office at (858) 792-7565 or