Dwight Worden

My Values:

• Collaboration: Civility and collaboration are the best way to build consensus and make good decisions for Del Mar. I know that compromises can be forged consistent with core values.


• Hard work: I am well-prepared, solution-oriented, and value teamwork.


• Deeply rooted in Del Mar: Working for Del Mar’s betterment since the 1970s.


• Grassroots: I strongly support Del Mar’s “citizen activist” tradition. Through regular office hours, working with advisory committees, responding to every email and red-dot, and listening carefully, I get valued guidance and bring emerging issues forward for solution.

I Support:

• Community Plan: I worked on the CP in the 1970s, and am strongly committed to it as our Constitution.


• Protecting Neighborhoods from overdevelopment and maintaining local control is key to livable neighborhoods, property values, views, and good design.


• Undergrounding, citywide.


• Environment: Our Climate Action Plan and Clean Energy Alliance. I am endorsed by the Sierra Club and League of Conservation Voters.


• Business Community: A vibrant downtown as envisioned by the Community Plan. I strongly supported the Civic Center, downtown Streetscape, revitalization of the Del Mar Plaza, the 941 project, DMVA, and our local businesses during Covid.


• Fairgrounds: Our Fairgrounds housing goals, and managing fair/race traffic to minimize impacts.


• Beach: Our Sea Level Rise Plan, which focuses on sand replenishment, river dredging, and a living levee, and rejects managed retreat.


• Bluffs/Railroad: Moving the tracks off the bluff as a high priority. I also support interim stabilization required for safety, a safe legal crossing to the beach, a walking trail, and removal of interim measures when the rails relocate.


• Shores Park. Making Shores a top-notch park for residents.


• Streets: Paving and infrastructure maintenance.


• Finances: A balanced budget and financial risk avoidance.


Learn more: dwightworden.com


I ask for your vote, and pledge to work hard for Del Mar every day.