Stephen Quirk

A 19-year resident of Del Mar, I’m a lifelong entrepreneur with a background in sustainability, technology, finance and education. I have started up two technology companies in Del Mar. The first one, Interplay Learning  (, focuses on skilled trades training (i.e. plumbers, electricians, solar installers) and has won numerous awards and significant financial backing. My second and more recent company, Sustain 6 (, is focused on employee sustainability engagement and leadership. My passion surrounding education and the environment are driven by the simple conviction that the world (Del Mar included) can become a better place. 


My wife Selena is a nurse at Scripps Encinitas hospital and my son Nolan is a student at Del Mar Heights Elementary School. I often surf at 15th street, enjoy jogging through town and participate regularly in civic life. I worked to help pass the school bond Measure M and Measure Q, the initiative to improve our streets and bury utility lines. I also voted against the misguided and massive Marisol development, an out-of-place project that would have required 800+ parking spots and created a lot more traffic in Del Mar. 


My work in the startup world has taught me that listening, learning and collaboration are the keys to solving problems. If elected, I will listen to the residents of Del Mar and will always be available to hear their concerns. I promise to focus on critical issues including improving streets, burying dangerous and unsightly power lines, maintaining a sound budget, promoting downtown vibrancy, protecting our beaches and bluffs, and preserving the special small beach town character of Del Mar.