Why Voters Should Elect Me
I am running for re-election to provide the City Council leadership needed to protect Del Mar as we move into the future.
Beautiful natural spaces surrounding Del Mar on all sides are under threat from overdevelopment due to State mandates. We must protect these resources for our community, our quality of life, and future generations.
Protect our Bluffs and Coastal Access: We must get the railroad tracks off the Bluff. NCTD wants to double-track from Los Angeles to San Diego. Our sensitive Del Mar Bluff cannot bear that.
I will continue to fight to stop fencing on our Upper Bluff. NCTD continues to threaten to fence our entire South Bluff neighborhood. Legal action has stopped fencing so far, but we must continue to work with the Coastal Commission to minimize seawalls, build safe crossings, and accomplish railroad relocation.
Protect our Neighborhoods from Overdevelopment: State legislation has paved the way for high-density housing throughout the City, with waivers on height, mass, and parking, regardless of existing zoning. To prevent this from happening, we must continue to partner with the Fairgrounds to accomplish affordable housing there. This will fulfill Del Mar’s State housing mandate, and save North Bluff from overdevelopment.
Protect our Small Village Character: We must protect residential neighborhoods from traffic and congestion while nurturing Downtown businesses so that they continue to thrive and provide much needed tax revenue for the City.
Protect our Property Values: We need to rethink our Scenic View ordinances, maintain momentum on undergrounding utilities, and regain control of local land use development to preserve our community character.
Address Climate Change: We must protect our community from unreasonable legislation regarding sea level rise and managed retreat. We must also continue to implement our Climate Action Plan. I would appreciate your vote on November 8th so that we can continue to work together to address Del Mar’s challenges going forward.