Incumbents Gaasterland and Worden Joined by Stephen Quirk in Council Race
Now that today’s 4:30pm filing deadline has passed, we can report who has filed to run for Council. Both incumbents whose terms expire this year – Terry Gaasterland and Dwight Worden – have filed to run for re-election, and their nomination papers have been verified by the County Registrar of Voters (ROV). Stephen Quirk, who is Councilmember Dan Quirk’s identical twin brother, filed today; his nomination papers have not yet been verified by the ROV.
Terry Gaasterland kicked off her campaign on July 23 with an event at the home of Suren Dutia and Jas Grewal, collecting nominating signatures and campaign donations. She has apparently not yet launched her 2022 campaign website.
Dwight Wordenannounced his campaign on August 8 and has posted a list of early endorsers that includes over 90 residents, plus key elected officials including U.S. Congressmember Mike Levin, State Senator Toni Atkins, and Assemblymembers Chris Ward (currently Del Mar’s rep) and Tasha Boerner Horvath (Del Mar’s rep after redistricting). Worden’s campaign website is here.
Stephen Quirk did not respond to Sandpiper requests for comment on his candidacy. Unlike his twin brother Dan, who served on the City’s Finance Committee prior to his 2020 election to the Council, to the Sandpiper’s knowledge, Stephen does not have a volunteer history with any of Del Mar’s advisory committees or community organizations. Stephen and Dan are not only identical twins, but also live on the same property, each occupying one of the two duplex units. Dan has reportedly been vigorously advocating Stephen’s candidacy around town.
The Sandpiper will be providing space for statements for all candidates in its September issue, and will be covering the Council race closely.