Del Mar Foundation

A garden to walk in 
and immensity to dream in…
~Victor Hugo


Gardens and trees, butterflies and bees – summer immerses us in a natural world that is truly an immensity to dream in. But what legacy will we pass on to the next generation, with drought, wildfire, and climate change at the top of our daily news feed?


DMF grants have helped connect kids to nature through the Don Diego Scholarship Foundation’s Plant*Grow*Eat program, founded by Del Marian Jill Coughlin. In June, DMF reps enjoyed meeting children who brought their radishes and nasturtiums to the Fair for judging.


DMF is also working on other projects to connect us all more closely to nature: a demonstration garden at the Civic Center, to encourage residents to take action to support western monarch butterflies, which have been in precipitous decline; and a “40 trees to celebrate 40 years” project to highlight the role trees play in carbon sequestration, clean air, and more.


And we’re excited about the River Path Del Mar project to extend this trail from the Grand Ave. Overlook to Crest Canyon. Construction will begin next year; DMF’s $50,000 grant supported the environmental work required for this project.


Conserving open space and the environment has been part of DMF’s mission from its founding 40 years ago, and today, it’s more important than ever. We owe it to the next generation to ensure they have gardens to walk in, and immensity to dream in.

DMF’s grant to the Plant*Grow*Eat program helps connect children to the food on their plates, and the wonders of nature.