Could there be any better place on earth to live as a dog than Del Mar?I don’t think so and here is why:
I can go for a walk from the south end of town to the Lifeguard Tower and it’s one biscuit after another!(Yes, most require my human’s intervention to unscrew a lid but it works!)And are they ever good!
One day my owners were away and I escaped from my house.Know where I went?I ran all the way from 29th St. to the Plaza where they have good treats.The lifeguards returned me to my home so I didn’t even have to walk back.That’s service!
Treats from my friend Jon (the Chief) at the Lifeguard Tower.
Photo by Lynn Gaylord (my person).
And where else on earth could I run for endless hours on a sandy beach designated just for us four-legged creatures?No cats, no rats, no one but us doggies!
Shores Park is another one of my favorite reasons for loving Del Mar.Yes, we can only go certain afternoons but it is magic!All my buddies are there and we run ourselves silly.So much fun!