Cleaner Energy Now

The Clean Energy Alliance (CEA) presented an update on current operations to the Del Mar City Council at its February 7th meeting. CEA CEO Barbara Boswell reported that Escondido and San Marcos have joined CEA and will begin service in 2023, and Oceanside, San Clemente and Vista are contemplating joining in 2024.


Energy prices have increased during the last year, resulting in proposed rate increases for both CEA and SDG&E customers. The average residential CEA customer in Del Mar had a monthly bill of $116.03 last year, and that will increase to $119.91/month this year. SDG&E customers had an average bill of $117.06 last year that increases to $120.90 this year. The major portion of each bill goes to SDG&E for transmission and distribution costs, so CEA only controls the cost of purchasing electricity.


These rates are for the vast majority of CEA customers who receive the default electricity product of 50% renewable, 75% carbon-free sources. There are only 370/60,000 accounts, including the City of Del Mar, that have opted for the 100% renewable Green Impact product that is slightly more expensive. This is a very small commitment by CEA customers to a clean energy future, and it stands in contrast to the community choice energy effort in Orange County, where all participating cities have opted for 100% renewable energy.


If you think a 3% increase in your electricity bill is troubling, look at your recent gas bill. If you haven’t checked it, sit down before you open it.