Del Mar’s fifth Mayor, Earl Maas, Jr. (Mayor 1964-68), earned a special place in Del Mar’s history by leading the Council in the establishment of Del Mar’s lifeguard department in 1965 (now the Community Services Department). Previously, lifeguard services for Del Mar beaches were provided by San Diego County. The costly county contract was a campaign issue in the 1964 campaign, when Maas ran for election to Council after having been appointed in 1963 to fill the seat vacated by Bill Arballo. Maas, who had served as a Los Angeles lifeguard, championed the move from a 6-month lifeguard service under the county contract to year-round lifeguard service as a City of Del Mar department.
Maas, who died on Sept. 12, 2021 at the age of 91, was an attorney, appointed to the federal bench by President Reagan after a career as an assistant district attorney and in private practice.
The lifeguard headquarters 17th St. circa 1965, the year Mayor Earl Maas spearheaded the creation of Del Mar’s Lifeguard Dept.
Courtesy Del Mar Historical Society.