DMF – Outdoor Sculpture: Coming to Del Mar This Month!
Betty Wheeler, President
The City’s new Outdoor Sculpture program, underwritten by the Del Mar Foundation, is close to launch! Mid-September is the target for five artworks to be installed in the downtown area for a 23-month display. The City’s Arts Advisory Committee (AAC) has selected the sculptures from a group of 12 finalists, for Council approval at its Sept. 7 meeting.
Hugo Heredia’s sculpture, “Pasaje a lo Infinito” (Passage to the Infinite), made from low temperature fused glass, fabricated stainless steel and fabricated steel, stands 5’4” tall. The artist describes his role as a “choreographer of a dance between a most unlikely pair…solid steel and fragile glass.”
The Foundation collaborated closely with the AAC, City staff, and a terrific professional arts consultant, Naomi Nussbaum, to issue the Call for Art, evaluate the 34 artworks submitted by 20+ artists, and implement all the steps necessary to make the program a reality. A big thanks to DMF’s generous donors, who made this program possible. Watch our website for details on the festivities that will celebrate the installation of these artworks: