Wildfires of a size normally seen in the heat of summer have already occurred in California. Experts are concerned that this summer’s wildfires will be severe and widespread. Reservoirs in California hold about half as much water as usual for this time of year.
Governor Newsom has taken the “severe” threats of wildfire seriously. He proposed recently the single largest investment in wildfire preparedness in our state’s history – $2 billion for emergency preparedness. “With new investments in state-of-the-art firefighting technology and equipment and a focus on building resilience through fuel breaks, forest health projects and home hardening to protect our high-risk communities, the state is more prepared than ever to face wildfire season,” said Governor Newsom.
What can you do to prepare for a wildfire? You need to create a defensible space of 100 feet around your home. By eliminating overgrown vegetation, removing dead plants and tree material you will reduce your fire load. To encourage residents to take these steps the City of Del Mar in partnership with Waste Coast Management are offering free delivery and use of up to two three-yard bins for green waste disposal during the program. This fuel reduction program runs July 26 – August 6, 2021.
To reserve the green bins, contact Waste Management at (866) 967-3292 no later than July 23.
Planning to evacuate is equally important when facing wildfires. Where to go, what to take and how to get there are questions that need to be discussed prior to a wildfire. CAL FIRE has done all the work for you including checklists to help you organize important stuff. On their website you will find advice on safeguarding both the inside and outside of your home and detailed advice on what to take should an evacuation be required. We recommend you use this website to help you with your pre-fire planning: readyforwildfire.org.
CAL FIRE has a new app which enables them to text you a message should a wildfire come 250 miles near your home. However, you must sign up for this important app and provide our zip code and your phone number after taking a brief survey. We recommend you take advantage of this opportunity. The link to this new app can be found on the landing page: readyforwildfire.org.
Reminding you also to spread this information in your neighborhood. Likely many seniors are not aware of CAL FIRE’s resources and the city’s fuel reduction program which is coming up soon.
Take it seriously if you smell smoke and are advised to evacuate Del Mar. Realize that everyone in a car will need to tip and tap in residential neighborhoods to get on a main street to get out of town. You’d hate to be stuck in your car when a fire incident occurs.