DMF: Art And The Dust Of Life

Art can be serious or playful, ephemeral or for the ages – but at its core, to borrow from writer Berthold Auerbach, art “washes away from the soul the dust of life.” Throughout its history, the Del Mar Foundation has focused on art as a way to inspire Del Mar residents and visitors.


This postcard invited residents to meet James Hubbell and preview his sculpture (from DMF Archives, 1998)

Now, we’re delighted to report that a new temporary outdoor art program, created by the City’s Arts Advisory Committee (AAC) and sponsored by DMF, will bring sculpture to five downtown locations for 23 months, with new works taking their place afterwards if the program is a success. The City Council gave the program conceptual approval on May 17, and is expected to approve the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the Foundation for this program in June. The sculptures will be on display by November, perhaps sooner!


One of DMF’s early programs was a two-month Art in Public Places exhibit in 1984, displaying works by four artists outdoors – including a 20-minute art “happening” at Seagrove Park called “Three Pillars of Fire.” In later years, DMF provided fiscal sponsorship for the James Hubbell sculpture at the library (1998); produced two Payasada projects that placed artist-painted horses around town; (2002, 2003) provided fiscal sponsorship for the Mosaic Wall in front of the library (original installation, 2002-03; major renovation, 2012); and has supported a variety of children’s art projects.


We’re delighted that the AAC has so meticulously laid the groundwork for this new outdoor art program, giving DMF the opportunity to fund and help manage such a terrific new art program for Del Mar.

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